I might be aging myself here, but remember when only professional photographers had professional cameras? Now it seems that every other house has a professional level camera, even if most people don’t know how to get the most out of them.

Enter the fabulous new book from the women behind the beloved online photo community, Shutter Sisters.

Related: A new, affordable e-book that will totally change your photography game

The new book Expressive Photography- The Shutter Sisters’ Guide to Shooting From the Heart offers excellent tips on improving your photography skills by showing you photography examples and explaining how and why they were captured.

What sets this book apart from other photography book is that there are ten collaborators, so there isn’t just one person’s style of photography represented through the ten chapters. Topics cover everything from still life shoots to portraits with plenty of beautiful
pictures to bring it to life. There’s even a chapter titled “Childhood” that will inspire parents and other caregivers to take better pictures of the kids.

It’s such a relaxing, enjoyable book, I find that I keep going back to the book and leafing through it.  Bring it to a cafe on a rainy day while you’re sipping a hot beverage, or wrap it up for the holidays and give it to your favorite photographer. If you end up with photos even half as good as what’s in here, you won’t regret it.

Cool Mom Tech is a reward style affiliate. Photo by Tracey Clark