When I was younger, a fun family pastime was whipping out the Kodak Ektagraphic slide projector for a look at photos of family trips, birthday parties and the accompanying lore. I still vividly remember the faint whirring of the motor, seeing the dust floating in the stream of projected light and having the thrill of pushing the button to advance the slides.

Oh how far we’ve come. While most of the world has gone digital, we still have reels of slides in the basement of my parents’ house, and need a way to preserve these precious memories. If you’re like me, you can now use a really smart service called YesVideo.

This company takes old multimedia formats like VHS, slides, movie reels, and prints and digitally transfers them to a DVD and online. It’s available through big retailers like Costco, CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, and CVS. All you have to do is choose a theme, place the order online, and then drop off the media at a location near you.

If you want to convert slides like I do, pricing starts at $24.99 for the first 40 slides and $0.50 per additional slide. With about 500 slides I’d need to convert, it would come to about $250 to get them all onto a DVD (max is 500 slides).It’s not cheap, but then again, these memories are priceless. What a cool Father’s Day gift or holiday gift this would make. –Jeana

Convert slides to DVD or digital files with YesVideo.