Free clip art is always one of the hardest things to find online–at least if you’re picky about your clip art. But we found a really amazing clip art search engine that you’re going to want to bookmark stat.

Free unicorn clip art | Cool Mom Tech

Check out Hippo Paint and you just may kiss your coloring books goodbye.

I like to think of Hippo Paint as clip art on Red Bull–it’s basically a search engine, just for line drawings that creative kids will go nuts for. Does your kid love to skateboard? How about printing out an entire series of skateboard line art for your next road trip. Is your daughter a unicorn lover who needs some time-killing cafts for her next birthday parties? We got you covered.

These are also great answers to “I’m bored” at the doctors office. And the best part is the site is absolutely free. They even have art for parents. (Yes, I totally checked for “margaritas.”)

Not that every single image will make for the perfect printable; but there’s enough to choose from that you’ll easily find what you’re looking for.

Free unicorn clip art | Cool Mom Tech

Free Mario Brothers clip art | Cool Mom Tech

Free vintage camera clip art | Cool Mom Tech



Another great bonus–should you want to keep it all online and crayon-free, each image converts to an online coloring page, complete with a color palette and basic tools. Purple unicorns, whoo! –Eva and Liz

Search for any kind of free clip art online at Hippo Paint and go crazy.