Draw on the Table on Cool Mom TechOne of our favorite kindie musicians, Frances England, has partnered up with the creative folks at Spark Studios to create an app that is not only hands-on fun, but is backed by a tune by Frances England herself. And you can get both the app and a download of this song (exclusively for our readers!) for free.



Draw on the Table app for iOS lets kids play with their food in a way that won’t ruin dinner or make a mess. Swipe the top of the screen to choose which food you want, and then go ahead and squish those purple grapes, spill the glass of orange juice, or scribble green broccoli across the table. Kids will love discovering that when they tilt their device, those berries or spilled juice will roll right off the table.


Draw on the Table on Cool Mom Tech

Like a muse singing to them as they work, Frances England croons Draw on the Table quietly in the background. And if you feel inspired to lay down paper and really draw on the table, as she describes in the Draw on the Table video, you can now have this tune to listen at any time. (Link to song will begin playing automatically).  –Christina

Draw on the Table app for iOS is available for free at iTunes. Also, download a copy of Frances England’s Draw on the Table, exclusively for Cool Mom Tech readers, through this link