Underbirds Bright Leaf on Cool Mom TechMy eyes have finally stopped itching and my nose stopped running which means that the trees around my yard are finally in full bloom. And though they make my allergies go crazy for a few weeks each year, I love looking out at all the different shades of green surrounding us as we frolic around the yard.

Which is why today’s kids’ music pick, by two well-known names in kindie, celebrates our trees’ best accessory at this time of the year.

{Keep reading for how you can download this free tune, for a limited time!}

The Underbirds’ Bright Leaf is a new collaboration between Gustafer Yellowgold’s Morgan Taylor and I Think I’m a Bunny‘s Todd McHatton. Off their self-titled debut, this Underbirds’ song is an upbeat indie-pop ode to one tiny leaf. Perfect for little tree huggers, young and old. . . even ones who need the big box of tissues nearby at all times. –Christina

Download a free copy of the Underbirds’ Bright Leaf through June 30, 2013 from this Soundcloud link (please note that music will automatically start playing). You can find the entire CD, Underbirds, from our affiliate Amazon or at CD Baby.