I love when my kids come home from school and excitedly tell me about something fun they did that doesn’t include snack, lunch or recess. I love even more when it’s a mix of something educational and entertaining that we can all partake in together. The latest discovery is a website called Picassohead that my son discovered in his computer lab. Simply put, kids get to create their own version of a Picasso painting, abstract eye shapes and all.

The template gives you the tools to create a face with eyes, ears, hair, mouth, eyebrows–or not even a face at all. You can keep it as a simple black-and-white, or use the color palette to change any features. A red tuft of hair here, a purple crooked eye there–it’s really up to each child’s interpretation.

Picassohead art website for kids | Cool Mom Tech

My kids love the fact that they can add their name at the end and save it to my computer which is a nice added bonus to make it uniquely theirs. You can also share with the grandparents who will not only ooh and ahh over the creativity, but the fact that your little ones know who Picasso is at all.

Visit the Picassohead website and let kids go to town creating art. The public gallery is also fun to peruse, and see how many great Picasso-inspired artists there are out there.