Editor’s Note (April 2015): Due to numerous issues with order fulfillment and reports about non-response from this company, we are compelled to rescind our recommendation of this company. We’re deeply disappointed by this because we value the awesome opportunity that crowdfunding provides so many small companies and this just takes away opportunities from others who really do need the support and plan to follow through. We feel strongly that instances like this are few and far between and do not want to deter anyone from continuing to support crowdfunding campaigns.

Getting my oldest off of training wheels was one of the least-fun ways to spend a weekend–and another reason why my next two kids were put on balance bikes from the start. But for kids who want to get their feet on pedals, or for older kids who may be too big or embarrassed to go the balance-bike-or-training-wheels route,  there’s a new option that uses science and technology to get kids riding wobble-and-fear-free on two wheels.

Currently a very successful Kickstarter campaign with just over a week of funding left to go, the Jyrobike takes the science of the gyroscope and puts it into a nifty-looking wheel that helps keep a bike more stable, even if it’s moving at a snail’s pace.

If it sounds familiar, it’s because this is a more-advanced version of the Gyrowheel which we covered a few years ago. Plus, unlike the Gyrowheel, the Jyrobike includes an entire bicycle built around one very special wheel.


Jyrobike wheel | Cool Mom Tech

The front wheel of the Jyrobike has an internal, fast-spinning disc that automatically balances the bike. You know, like a gyroscope. I’ve held the wheel when this internal disc is spinning, and you can really feel how it works to keep the wheel upright.

The amount of balance can be adjusted too so that a beginner can have more stability, while  a more experienced rider can have less until they no longer need the extra help at all. At that point, the flywheel that provides the balance can be removed and, voila! You have a bike rider.

Edited to add, April 2015: Due to numerous issues with order fulfillment and reports about non-response from this company, we are compelled to rescind our recommendation of this company. We’re deeply disappointed by this because we value the awesome opportunity that crowdfunding provides so many small companies and this just takes away opportunities from others who really do need the support and plan to follow through. We feel strongly that instances like this are few and far between and do not want to deter anyone from continuing to support crowdfunding campaigns.

If you already have a bicycle, you will be able to purchase the Jyrobike wheel alone, for either a 12″ or 16″ bicycle frame. In addition, it comes with a wireless controller so that a parent can change the amount of balance on the wheel remotely as you watch your child gaining control of the bike – pretty cool.

If the campaign reaches its next big goal of $500,000 on Kickstarter, then a bigger-kid 20″ Jyrobike wheel will be produced for kids ages 9-16. I imagine that will be especially helpful to kids with coordination issues or disorders that have kept them from riding a bike so far. I hope Jyrobike reaches that goal, so lots of kids can reach theirs.

The Jyrobike campaign on Kickstarter has been fully funded and bicycles ordered via Kickstarter are slated to ship in January 2015. The campaign will end on July 3. Visit the Jyrobike website for updates after that.

Edited to add, April 2015: Due to numerous issues with order fulfillment and reports about non-response from this company, we are compelled to rescind our recommendation of this company. We’re deeply disappointed by this because we value the awesome opportunity that crowdfunding provides so many small companies and this just takes away opportunities from others who really do need the support and plan to follow through. We feel strongly that instances like this are few and far between and do not want to deter anyone from continuing to support crowdfunding campaigns.