For years, Volvo is of course known for their automobile safety technology, but their latest endeavor is meant to help keep people safe from cars and it’s pretty cool.  Volvo LifePaint is a water-based reflective safety spray that can be applied on pretty much any surface, making those objects (like say your bike) much more visible in the dark and hopefully, save a lot a lives.

The difference is pretty amazing, when you look at the before and after shots.

We’ve shared lots of other smart illuminated products to help keep kids and families safe, like the Halo Belt and Revolights, but LifePaint is completely different. Because it’s water-based there’s no impact when applied, even to clothing. It lasts for about a week, and washes off easily or will just wear away from your bike frame or helmet after some exposure. I’d probably test it in a small, inconspicuous area first, but I may also be unnaturally attached to my bike.

I’m definitely curious about the formula and how safe it is. Are fumes a concern? What if your toddler licks the bike? (Parents, you know it could happen.)

However it’s selling out like crazy in London right now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s stateside any day now.

Bike safety with Volvo LifePaint reflective paint: Before and after
Interestingly, Volvo LifePaint has been criticized for “victim-blaming,” or putting the onus on cyclists to keep themselves safe, rather than encouraging drivers to watch out for cyclists. But as a cyclist myself, I don’t see it that way at all. I mean, of course drivers should look out for cyclists, but don’t you learn that in driver’s ed? Biking in traffic is inherently risky, and Volvo LifePaint is a smart means of mitigating that risk, along with following traffic laws and wearing a helmet.

Plus, having seen other cyclists ride under conditions when most drivers wouldn’t expect them, like long after sunset in below-freezing temperatures, I think Volvo LifePaint could actually be life-saving.

Right now Volvo LifePaint is only available in bike shops around London. You can contact them directly about getting a can shipped, or provide your email address on the website for more details when available.