Yes, we went with the slightly sanitized version on the name, because this is a family show here. But that doesn’t take away from how much we love the hilarious, crazy-popular FB page turned full-fledged blog, I F’ing Love Science, also known as IFLScience.

Created four years ago by Elise Andrew, a 26-year-old British blogger and biology nut, IFLScience (let’s just go with that name when the kids are around?) basically highlights the wild and wonderful world of science with a huge serving of funny on the side.


IFLSceince explains why tossing those little bags of beads you get when you buy shoes and handbags | Cool Mom Tech

It’s all about breaking down fascinating facts in an “amusing and accessible” way. And it’s definitely working; IFLSceince has a rapt audience of 24 million happily soaking up all the intel it’s spilling out. Plus, Andrew was named one of Time magazine’s top 30 influences on the internet.

Find topics like why you should never throw away silica bags again,  what new evidence astronomers have found for Planet Nine (photo at very top), why we are secretly attracted to people who look like our parents (yikes!) — whatever grabs your interest, IFLScience lets you know that the answers, however bizarre or compelling they might be, are out there.


IFLScience explains Tardigrades | Cool Mom Tech

Then, there’s this thing. Lordy, these Tardigrades, which are near-invincible, microscopic lifeforms, basically haunted my dreams after first seeing them on IFLScience.

While the site is an incredibly interesting, very fun science resource for parents looking to engage kids who love science and trivia of all kinds, know that it’s received some criticism for “oversimplifying” some of the more complex science topics. But, really, should we be relying on any one website or blog for all our knowledge and understanding? Probably not. In fact, that’s what I like most about IFLScience — in addition to its wit and charm, it’s got just the right sensibility to spark a yearning to learn and discover more. And that is always a good thing.