by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
You might be the type of mom, like me, who loves the idea of mom jewelry but with a bit more of a subtle twist. That’s why I am still coveting the binary cuff from Karla Wheeler and now, this equally beautiful binary code pendant that lets you keep your most...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
I have a thing for geek fashion. Ever since I bought my first Twitter necklace. (It says #fail. Heh.) So while I am not a big fan of actual emoticons, I do sort of love seeing them on these rings. The sterling emoticon ring is so subtle that it might take a moment for...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Oh how I remember those floppy disk days before the cloud took over. You know, when all our precious data (or a few paltry megabytes of it) was backed up these squares which we stashed in neat little piles with color-coded labels. Hey, at least they were harder to...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Fashion + Accessories
If you like to let your nerd flag fly proudly (says the girl with a Hello Kitty Boba Fett on her car), then you’re going to love these LOLrific Nerd Merit Badges we just found. Bonus? You don’t have to sell any cookies or build a fire in the rain to get...
by Betsy | Fashion + Accessories
It’s freezing outside, and you want to use your Smartphone to tweet about how incredibly freezing it is outside, but to do that you’d need to remove your warm gloves. Drat. If only there were a way to keep your hands warm and use a touch screen device. Ta...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Hey Apple Store, I’ve got a bone to pick with you. I was browsing through your laptop cases at your 14th Street store and let’s just say I, and the two other women staring blankly at the unimpressive display, left empty-handed. If you wouldn’t mind...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Previously posted at Cool Mom Picks I shrieked with joy when friend of Cool Mom Picks and kids band The Jimmies lead singer Ashley Albert turned us onto her new collaborative project with Phoebe Jonas, Survival of the Hippest. And by hippest we mean techiest,...