How You’re Using it – Google Docs

How You’re Using it – Google Docs

Since purchasing my MacBook Pro late last year, I became addicted to the convenience and functionality of Google Docs. Turns out, I’m not the only one. When we asked our readers and Twitter followers how you are using Google Docs, the answers were so varied, it...
Film is suddenly useful again

Film is suddenly useful again

I recently came across some leftover rolls of 35mm film. When I showed my children, they made me feel approximately as old as a stegosaurus. “These used to hold pictures,” I said. “But where’s the cord to hook it up to the laptop?” my...
5 picks you might have missed this week

5 picks you might have missed this week

Have you ever noticed how… absorbent the web can be? You just open Twitter or Pinterest for a few seconds, and suddenly information and interesting things are just gushing everywhere. Before you have one of those not-so-fresh, overloaded days, check out our...
How you’re using it: Evernote

How you’re using it: Evernote

We’ve heard people rave about Evernote as a fantastic, free way to save inspiration and ideas and access them from anywhere – computer, phone, or your favorite mobile device. But when we asked our go-to help desk, our Twitter followers and Facebook fans,...
Eye-fi with my little eye

Eye-fi with my little eye

After having just uploaded oh…hundreds of photos from my camera after the BlogHer conference (give me one mojito and suddenly everything looks like a good picture) I can’t sing the praises of the Eye-Fi wireless memory cards enough. Especially since...
How you’re using it: Dropbox

How you’re using it: Dropbox

One of the exciting aspects of technology is that there’s never just one way to use something. But given our limited time as busy parents, we never seem to have enough of it to dedicate to playing around with applications and gadgets to maximize their...