by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion + Accessories
Every year we get excited to see what our friends at Think Geek are cooking up for Halloween. After all, geekery and Halloween go together like…well, like two things that go together so perfectly it’s ridiculous. Nintendo fans will love this...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
Here’s to a ghoulish day that we hope is filled with your favorite candy, lots of awesome photo opps, and relatively painless sugar highs. And if you want to make a bewitching photo of yourself or your kiddos, you can use the Halloween themes from...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment
We all know by now that a lot of video on demand services leave a lot to be desired in the “current releases” genre. One time that doesn’t matter a lick: Halloween! The holiday where the best scary, creepy, or funny-creepy movies never really get...
by Jeana | Entertainment, Kids
There are many things I love about Halloween, from seeing my kids in adorable costumes to fun-size peanut M&Ms and Snickers. For me. Of course. And getting into the holiday spirit, I love that TuneIn, the Internet and mobile app music provider we recently...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment, Kids
Have a child (or two or three) who is absolutely buzzing with excitement over Halloween? If you’re over “Monster Mash,” here’s a fun, punky, high-energy song to (hopefully) wear them out in time for bed. Punkin’ Patch is Andy...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
While there are a lot of very cute Halloween-themed iPhone cases out there these days, I don’t tend to be a fan of a smartphone cover I can use for one day a year. With the strong exception of this glow-in-the-dark skin. The iGlowPhone glow in the dark phone...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Follow us, then check out our favorite pins from this week that you don’t want to miss! 1. An adorable baby gift (and Halloween costume) that will make geeky moms and dads everywhere squeal. 2. A gorgeous...
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
Every year, there is one kid who comes to the door in the most unbelievable Halloween costume, one that I know either took a month to make by hand, or cost a small fortune to purchase. But, I’m pretty sure that with this one little device, you could be the...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
Who picks “trick” instead of “treat?” I’m going to go with no one. Which is why I want to share with you four of my favorite iOS apps for Halloween that will keep the kids busy while I sneak another fun-sized snack from their Halloween...
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Picks
I’m all for baby Halloween costumes that are quick, clever, and possibly made by someone else. (Let’s face it, you’ll be lucky if a baby lets you get one good picture in before melting down.) And that is why I’m all over this awesome R2-D2 baby...