Dragon Dictation: Do as I say, and as I do

Dragon Dictation: Do as I say, and as I do

Ever get the feeling that you’re not being heard? If you have children, you know what I’m talking about. Well if your kid isn’t going to listen, at least you can rely on your faithful computer to do as you say. At least if you’ve got the truly...
Unraveling the new New York Times online subscription fees

Unraveling the new New York Times online subscription fees

If you’ve been anywhere online in the last 24 hours, you’ve probably heard that the New York Times is going to begin charging a fee as of March 28. Interesting–thought not necessarily bad–news for those of us who rely on the Paper of Record for...
AT&T and Verizon customers can call or text Japan for free

AT&T and Verizon customers can call or text Japan for free

We’re continuing to keep a close eye on the news emerging from Japan in the wake of last week’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, so we were touched to see this announcement from Verizon. Through April 10, Verizon wireless and residential customers can...
Protect that precious new iPad or tech gadget with a great warranty

Protect that precious new iPad or tech gadget with a great warranty

Fellow iPad enthusiasts rejoice! This weekend is the official retail release of the iPad 2, prompting hoards of tech enthusiasts and Apple fans to whip out their wallets and shell out some serious cash for this beautiful piece of gadgetry. This is a big investment and...
Reduce, reuse, resell your old cell phones with ReCellular

Reduce, reuse, resell your old cell phones with ReCellular

I have always been a gadget girl. When I got my Motorola Razr more than a decade ago, the “it” phone of the early 2000s mind you, I thought I was pretty hot stuff. But as with everything else, technology advances, and the once cutting-edge Razr is now the...
Turn the teaching around and get your parents up-to-speed

Turn the teaching around and get your parents up-to-speed

In addition to being a mom, wife, career woman, sister, daughter, and more lately, I’ve found myself serving as tech support for the litany of tech-related questions my parents have been asking me. Of all the mini projects I’ve helped them out with, I...
Music to your ears

Music to your ears

It’s very rare in the car with my kids to be able to listen to a song I like the whole way through without interruptions. Whether there are relentless questions like, “Mommy, what’s this song called?” or “Mommy, what is the name of the...
5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

Ever tried to go clothes shopping for yourself with kid(s) in tow? Between toting a toddler while carrying unwieldy hangers, and then attempting to catch a mannequin in mid-air because your little one has pulled its skirt down therefore making it fall over (yes, it...