by Jeana | Websites We Love
I love summer for so many reasons. Kids footloose and fancy-free, the fun in the sun, and no deluge of paperwork from all our school events, fundraisers, PTA meetings and volunteer opportunities. I love volunteering in the class and chaperoning field trips, but the...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
I was definitely intrigued by the Dragon Dictation voice recognition software that we recently featured, so when I heard that they launched an app, you can bet I had to give it a try. And wow, this free app is nothing short of awesome, especially for busy parents....
by Cool Mom Team | Social Media
I recently read some astounding facts about the amount of content on the web. Each day, something like 60,000 new websites are created and 1.5 billion items are uploaded to Facebook alone. Yikes! How to sort through it all? Well for you iPad readers, there’s a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I am in desperate need of storage around my house, and I’d imagine anyone who has caught a glimpse of the piles teetering over my desk would agree. So I was browsing one of my favorite browsable online catalogs this weekend and ooh, lookie what I found! The...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
Now with movies on demand through my cable provider, streaming movies through Amazon, loads of options from Netflix, Hulu, and a slew of other video services, the choice between watching a new release at home versus in a theater with a loud popcorn-eater behind me and...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
I am soooo going to love Listgeeks, a new social site in beta, that lets you read, write, collect, and compare nothing more than user-generated lists. Here’s why: 1. I love lists. 2. I love time-sucking websites. 3. I’m still bitter that McSweeney’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Welcome Dads Dig This guest blogger Jim Higley, Chicago Tribune columnist, cancer survivor, and single dad to three kids. His book Bobblehead Dad comes out on June 1. I’m a big fan of LIVESTRONG not just because I’m a cancer survivor, but because I’m...