by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Since so many of you write us asking for the best Android apps for kids, we are so honored that Google Play reached out too, asking us to be this month’s expert kids’ app curator in their family category! We get to join the likes of trusted...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Seeing as how we live in an age where everything from Nutella to x has its own national day, I should not be surprised that today is National Moon Day. At least it celebrates something totally real and inspirational, and if it’s marketing anything, it’s...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment, Kids
Pluto may have gotten all the press last week, but tomorrow marks the 46th anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin setting foot on the moon back in 1969. So in honor of National Moon Day–which, yes, is an actual unofficial holiday–we have a great...
by Julie | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We can hardly believe it that it’s only been a month since we featured the launch of The Robot Factory app from awesome app developer Tinybop, but they’re back again. This time with another fantastic educational app for kids, Simple Machines, and right in...
by Kristen Chase | Tech Toys
If you’ve ever looked, then you know how hard it is to find examples of female role models in STEM, which is why these parents decided to create this new card game Women in Science for their daughter, and now, for all our kids. Yeah! Not surprisingly, the...
by Julie | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We’re in those final weeks of school before summer break, which means my kids and I need to figure out how they’re going to occupy themselves and keep their brains and hands active. Turns out I’m getting some great ideas from the online camps at...
by Julie | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I’m looking for a good app to help learn the periodic table for my middle schoolers! Any suggestions? –Reader question via Facebook The coolest thing about the periodic table, in my geeky opinion, is that it’s not just a laundry list of...
by Julie | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Every time Tinybop releases a new app, I’m not sure who’s more excited — my kids or me. Their newest release, The Robot Factory, is just as awesome as all the others that we’ve adored, like The Human Body, Plants, and Homes. The creative...
by Christina Refford | Websites We Love
As a homeschooling parent of three, my older kids and I are big fans of the Crash Course educational video series on YouTube which has helped my teens learn more about complex subjects like molecules and the French Revolution. But I’ve found that these...