by Nicole Blades | Uncategorized
I do not play Candy Crush. Hear that, Facebook friends who keep sending me invites? Not going to happen. But that doesn’t mean I’m against playing games on smartphones. In fact, just last week I was playing something fun on my husband’s iPhone 5....
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
My kids love remote-control vehicles, toys they can build themselves, and playing on my smartphone, so I know they’d go bananas for SmartWood, a new set of smartphone controlled toys which combine all three of their favorite things into one. But before any of...
by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
Just this week my 5-year-old son busted me for using my iPhone at the breakfast table. It’s a no-no in our house, but I was reading something important. (It was a post ranking the Hot Guys of World Cup. See? Important.) Turns out, this whole incident would have...
by Jeana | Best Apps, Educational Apps
As much as I embrace technology and consider my iPhone another appendage, I still feel nostalgic for the simpler times when tech didn’t rule over everything, especially for my kids. Which is why I find the Kickstarter campaign for a new toy experience...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tech Toys
I am so excited to stumble across SUPERSOCK in my daily (or hourly) Etsy browsing, because wow, what a great idea for making cool flash drives: They’re all upcycled from your favorite toys from your own childhood. Eco-consciousness + ingenuity + kitsch + tech:...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We are so excited about the range of science and technology toys that are being created for our kids these days. I love that my kids are using their minds while they play, learning the whole time without realizing it, and the newest player hoping to make it into this...
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
When a Kickstarter campaign blows past their goals of raising $50,000 in less time than it takes for my son to tie his shoes in the morning, you know they are on to something special. How special? Well, I assumed that the cost of 3D printers would keep them mainly in...
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
We’ve been fans of littleBits, the creative, magnetic, electronic maker toy, for quite a while. Though now that it’s turning our kids into rock stars with their littleBits Synth Kit, we’re total groupies. This is one very satisfying toy with so many...