My near 4 year-old son has been eying my oldest’s Nintendo DS for awhile now, but he’s just not quite old enough to do anything but ask us to help him play a game. Sort of defeats the point of having it. But since the brand new MobiGo from VTech arrived in our house, he’s been amply occupied
Related: 7 of our favorite Nintendo Switch accessories
This new handheld gaming system for kids 3-8 is relatively affordable and super easy to use–thanks in part to the handy touch screen feature that allows kids to interact by simply tapping the screen, as an alternative to the handy pull-out keyboard.
The one game it comes with is chock full of age-appropriate educational activities for him and for my 6-year-old too, but they cool thing is that they’re tailored to your own child; after entering my son’s name into the system, the word games had him first identify letters in his own name. Smart! And given my experience with similar handheld gadgets, I’m impressed with the sound, screen quality, and the simplicity of use – the lack of a stylus is fantastic, and thank goodness there are no other pieces for kids to lose.
Of course I wish there were more games that weren’t tied into licensed characters and TV shows. It’s all about Dora, Shrek, and the Disney princesses here. But I do feel the educational value outweighs my issues about that stuff–he’s learning spelling, grammar, math and problem-solving, and loving it too.
Besides, considering my son has since abandoned my iPad for the MobiGo, I’m all for it.
I’d donate to the Ronald McDonald House — this would be great for a kid undergoing medical treatment.
I’d like to donate to, Ben Stiller’s effort to help provide temporary schools for Haitians displaced by the earthquake.
I’d donate it to a Michigan charity called Lighthouse. They make sure they get Christmas presents to children that otherwise wouldn’t get any.
THis would be great for my 5 yr. old, whose older brother is getting a DS for Christmas. ANd I hope there are enough comments for someone at the RM house to get one too!!
I would donate to Save the Children -they help families and children in the US and around the world -they offer the necessities such as food, medical care and education etc. This would just be a nice bonus for some child.
I have twins and would love to show them this, they are 3 yrs old
My son would love one and please donate one to The Smile Train. Thanks!
I’d donate one to the 46 mommas shave for the brave… Mothers who shave their heads while their kids endure chemotherapy…they could auction it or give it to one of their kids at treatment…a good friend of mine just lost her 3 year old. I couldn’t imagine…
I would donate to our local women and children’s shelter.
I would donate the mobiGo to the little people of america.. I think the touch screen would be a great Advantage for them.
I’d donate to the Interfaith Housing Coalition. Interfaith Housing helps families with children transform their lives from poverty and homelessness to self sufficiency.
I think the Ronald McDonald house is the perfect destination.
I would donate it to the Homes of Hope for Children which serves children in crisis throughout Mississippi.
Our church has a “toy store” that they put on one Saturday each year. Parents who wouldn’t normally be able to provide a gift for their child can come pick out a nice gift for free. I think this would be a big hit!!
I would donate the MobiGo to a local children’s hospital, Cohen Children’s Medical Center of NY.
My Daughter really wants one of these, I’m glad to read such a great review about the MobiGo. I would donate one to Toys for Tots.
I would love one for my kids, and I would donate the other to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program or our local children’s hospital (Connecticut Children’s Medical Center).
I’d donate the extra to Toys for Tots since it’s so close to the holidays and there are so many people out there who don’t have any money for gifts.
This sounds like such a great gadget both my girls would love. I would donate the other to The Blanket Fairy who has a treasure chest of toys and games she sends along with blankets to children with cancer.
I live in Knoxville, TN and would donate one to a local charity called Mission of Hope. This organization brings hope to the people of rural Appalachia through an evangelical Christian charitable ministry. Every year they have a huge Christmas campaign so the children of Appalachia can have a merry christmas. Last year alone they helped 12,000 kids have a happy holiday.
I would donate it to my local Children’s Hospital Child Life department. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would donate to operation purple a program for children who list their parents in the wars.
Ronald McDonald House! Thanks for the great donation opportunity – these will be great for the kids.
I would donate this to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
How very cool! I would donate to childrens hospital of pittsburgh austins playroom.
I would donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. A child in the hospital would love to have one of these.
I’d like to donate one to the national center for children and families. They license foster homes and I’m sure they would pick a home for this to go to.
I would love to have this for my 3 year old. Her sister is getting a DS for Christmas and I know there will be issues.WOuld love to have this one for her. I would donate the other one to St.Jude!
Ronald McDonald house is such a wonderful charity!!!
Well since I’ve been a guest at a Ronald McDonald house more times than I have fingers to count on, I think this would be a brilliant gift for a youngster.
Now if only my kids were young enough to want this instead of my iPad.
I’d like to donate one to the Target House in Memphis.
Great thing you and VTech are doing here!
I would choose Child Haven, a network of professionals and volunteers providing support to families with small children facing crisis situations in Yavapai County, Arizona.
Love the RMH great facility for parents and families with sick kids Thanks VTech
I would donate on to Child Haven Las Vegas (foster children housing and visit location)
A great cause and so easy to help!
This looks wicked cool as they say here in Boston and my just recently turned 4 year old son would love it. And who doesn’t love donating to a good cause.
I know the kids at the Ronald McDonald house would love these. Go, V-tech!
Great giveaway! I would give mine to The Cove, a local organization that supports grieving kids, who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
Hope this works again – would love to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.
Thanks for that review. A great idea for my girls for Christmas
Here’s a comment for the Ronald McDonald House.
My 4 year old would love this. I’d donate to our local Head Start program: Heartland Head Start.
I’d donate one to Toys for Tots. I bet they’ll need more donations than ever this year.
Before I even read the end of the post I thought I would want to donate to the local Nashville Ronald McDonald house.
Thanks for the great giveaway with the philanthropic twist!
Toys for Tots. I always donate toys to them for Christmas.
I would donate it to my church Christmas store. We have one every year where kids get to come “shop” for Christmas presents for themselves and for their families. It is a really awesome community out reach that we have over 300 kids a year. I am sure one of them would love this! My son would love it too.
I would love one for my child. Would love to donate one to the Genesis Womens’ Shelter.
I would donate to the local Children’s Hospital. What a great idea!
I would donate it to our local hospital. My son was in the hospital and several of the games were broken.
My son is 20 months and loves our ipad. I don’t mind since there are education apps on it for him. Once he is old enough we will definitely consider this.
I would donate the extra one to St Jude Research Hospital.
I would donate it to the Children’s Specialized Hospital, a New Jersey hospital that is the largest free standing pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the US. They specialize in helping children with head injuries, developmental delays, autism, and other special needs. What a great gift for those children the MobiGo would be.
Great Giveaway! I think ChildHelp USA could use the MobiGo for the holidays- Thanks!
Commenting from Canada, so I’m in for Ronald MacDonald House! Nice going, VTech.
Ronald McDonald House is a great charity…would love for one of those kids to get one of these.
Here’s another comment for Ronald McDonald House.
I’d donate to Doorways For Women and Families, our local abused women’s shelter (I’m sure there’s a better phrase for it, but oh well).
Nice Christmas gift idea! Great price too.
My niece has spent time at Children’s Hospital, I would love to be able to donate a MobiGo to them.
I’d donate to the Calgary Children’s Cottage Society, for kids in crisis.
I would donate it to an Angel Tree project in my community, which provides Christmas gifts to those in need.
This sounds like a great gift idea. I’d donate it to Make Room for Kids, a charity which provides gaming devices for room bound children at Pittsburgh’s Children’s Hospital.
For the children!! A Great toy and an even better cause!
I would donate to a local shelter for woman and children.
I actually don’t need to win, but would love to see one go to the Ronald McDonald House by commenting. Then if I did win I would donate both MobiGos to Clackamas Women’s Services, the only emergency shelter and crisis line for survivors (women and children) of domestic and sexual violence in my county.
I would donate one to the Ronald McDonald House.
Sounds very cool! I’d donate it to the Riley Childrens Hospital (a local, very great hopital for kids).
What a fantastic idea for a giveaway! I’d be thrilled to be able to donate the 2nd Mobigo to the Ronald McDonald House!
The Educational Alliance on the Lower East Side (NYC) has a wonderful head start program. I would choose to donate the MobiGo to one of their lucky classes.
i would donate to the ronald mcdonald house too!
This is awesome. I would donate the Mobigo to our local Sherrif’s Office toy drive for kids in need in our area that have been removed from thier homes due to abuse or neglect.
I love that you are doing this, what a great way to give back. My 6 year old has his eye on this and we would love to give one to They are currently collecting toys for military children all over the country!
Hoping we can get these donated to the children of Ronald McDonald house. They truly deserve one!
I’d donate the the Polinsky Children’s Center in San Diego. Each month, more then 300 kids, ages newborn through 18, are admitted to this temporary emergency shelter either because they need to be separated from their families for their own safety or because the parents simply aren’t able to care for their children. This would definitely be a nice distraction for the kids while they’re there.
i would donate it to ronald mcdonald house. they have helped some of the most fantastic families that i know.
I’d donate one to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. And if I couldn’t find a match, it would go to our local Toys for Tots chapter. They’ve helped out friends of mine and it would be nice to give back.
Ronald McDonald House is the perfect choice.
I would donate to Juvenile Diabetes.
I would donate it to a local charity for children with cancer, Jay’s Hope, and let them give it to a deserving child
Very, very cool. I, too, think Ronald McDonald House would be a perfect match for this gift. I was thinking toys for tots, but kids stuck in the hospital seem like a group that could really, really benefit from this. CMP rocks!
I’d donate one to the St. Jude’s Hospital. =)
I would donate the new one to a local charity – Lighthouse Ministry and then keep the used one for 3yo love!
I would donate to the Crossroads House Shelter.
I would donate it to the my local town’s community chest – they do so much for those in need in my town and surrounding communities!
I’d give it to Kids Chance. They help the kids of permanently disabled workers in GA.
I would like to donate this to my local Childrens specialized hospital… they are a great local organization.
What a great idea! I think the Ronald McDonald House would be amazing to donate to.
Ronald McDonald house would be an awesome charity, I have a friend who has been living there while her baby is in the hospital for a liver transplant. They deserve all the help they can get!
I would donate it to our local shelter so more than one child could benefit.
I would love one of these for my daughter! I was looking at it for Christmas! I think I would give the other to the San Diego ASYMCA (armed services YMCA) They have a wonderful program where they collect toys for kids that are in the hospital for their birthday or christmas! My daughter was admitted to the Naval Medical Center San Diego for a few days and was in the hospital for her birthday! It was so lovely that the YMCA got a cake for her AND a present! The nurses came in to sing happy birthday and shared cake with us! It was a wonderful treat during a trying time, and made my daughter’s birthday so much better!
These seems like a great toy. I would donate one to out local hospital that has very few toys.
I would donate it to our local Toys for Tots program.
now its letting me a coment..yay!
I would donate one to five acres group home in pasadena, ca. I grew up in foster care and lived there as a child. Having people donate toys helped us take our minds off the fact that we didn’t have families. Thank you
ps my oldest sons 4th bday is on nov 23! im totally gettng him one
I’d donate one to one of my local charities, the Children’s Therapeutic Learning Center of Kansas City.
I’d donate one to the local Child Advocacy Center….they do so much good for kids in the community!
I would donate mine to the Ronald McDonald House in Galveston, TX. I used to volunteer there and I know the kids would love it!
I would donate mine to the Living Vine, a local charity in my hometown.
I’d donate it to the House of the Good Shepherd in Chicago — they are a shelter for women and their children affected by domestic violence. My moms’ group has donated baby and kid gear and supplies there before, and it’s a great organization.
I would donate it to Spencer’s Treasures, a non-profit organization that donates wooden chests of toys to areas of hospitals where children receive treatment for life-threatening illnesses or children who undergo special care. The children pick a toy from a chest after their procedures.
I would donate to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – my charity of choice. It would be great for a kid there in treatment.
I would love to be able to donate on of the MobiGo’s to Cradles to Crayons in Philadelphia. My daughters’ Girl Scout troop recently volunteered with them and all the girls were truly inspired by their efforts to provide essentials like clothes, shoes and toys to underserved children.
Many Thanks!
I would love to donate this to a local special education classroom. Some of the kiddos struggle with writing and a touch screen would be so helpful in teaching some of their academics.
I was just looking at this for my 3 yr old. I’d donate the other to The National MS Society – they work with children with MS too – this could make for a happier Christmas for a child with MS.
Such a great giveaway! I know my soon-to-be 3 year old son would love this product. I love, love, love the fact that these are being given to the Ronald McDonald House! I would donate one to our local University of Kentucky Children’s Hospital for their use.
love it! Would lile to donate to the children’s ward at my local hospital.
I would love to donate one of these to The Children’s Museum of Rochester, MN:
or to our local Ronald McDonald House:
My 5 year old son would absolutely flip for something like this! The mobility of it would be a big plus, too.
There is a local group called Santa’s Workshop that provides for children of deployed soldiers. That’s my pick.
This would be so perfect for my 4-yr-old!
I would love to see one go to either Primary Children’s Hospital or the local Ronald McDonald house.
Would love to give one to the family we are adopting for the holidays. 4 kids – 2 year old twins, and a 4 and 6 year old.
My 3 year old would love this and I would love to share one with the family we are adopting for the holidays.
What a great giveaway – I hope you get 150 comments today!! I would give the MobiGo to a local charity here in Dallas called Family Gateway that helps transitionally homeless families get back on their feet.
I would donate to the Family Support Committee Angel Tree Project at the Elementary School where I work. Many of the children have younger siblings for whom we also provide gifts. I’ve been thinking of getting this for my 3 year old son for Christmas. I would love to see a comparison review for the similar Fisher Price product.
My 3yr old DD would love this. She has been playing with the display at the store every week!
I would donate the other one to Ronald McDonald House.
I will happily donate second Mobigo to the Toys for Tots. This is a great! My son (3 years old) will really enjoys this.
Hmmm, may need to look into this more. My 5.5 year old wants a DS like his older sister but maybe this if more his speed? I would donate to Ronald McDonald house. I love what they do!
I would want the second one to go to Dornbecher Children’s hospital. 🙂
I would donate to the organization for childrens’ cancer research.
I would donate to the Ronald McDonald House, too. They are a fantastic organization doing really important work.
Toys For Tots
I would donate it to St Jude Hospital
I’d give one to the Ronald McDonald House also. We started a tradition for my son’s 1st birthday that every year on his birthday we go and cook for the families staying at our RMcD House. This would be a nice addition to that!
Tracy’s Kids- they do amazing things for kids
I’d donate one to Toys for Tots.
This is a great contest, and what looks to be a really neat gaming toy for kids that will save many a mom’s iPhones from curious little hands. Thanks, CoolMomPicks for being so generous!
I’d donate it to a local charity A Kid’s Place. They provide housing etc., to kids whose families are in crisis.
I would donate this to cleveland clinic childrens hospital. Iam sure it would bring the kids great joy.
I would love to be able to donate one to Cleveland Clinic Childrens Hospital. I am sure it would bring the kids great joy.
I would donate to st. Judes. It’s near and dear to my heart.
our local children’s hospital, St. Luke’s
I would donate to the local children’s hospital.
I would donate to our local toys for tots program…
What a fantastic giveaway! I would give the tester to our local children’s hospital. Our daughter was in the hospital for three weeks after she was born last year, released just a few days before Christmas. Even though she did not need much entertainment as a newborn, there were several other children on her recovery floor that would be old enough for such a fun game that were not going home for Christmas.
I’d love to win and be part of your donation! I’d donate to Toys for Tots.
I would donate to the Ronald McDonald House, actually, I would donate them both. Thank you for a wonderful review. I t does my heart good to see the goodness of others!
I would send it to the Ronald McDonald House!
We would give a fourth to the Ronald McDonald House! Because of CMP, we dropped our Halloween candy off to our local house. Thank you!
I would donate to We Care, a local charity that our company works with that helps provide local families with food and clothing.
I would give the other to Ronald McDonald house. I think that it is a great cause 🙂
I would donate the Mobigo to a local shelter for Christmas presents for the kids!
I’m planning on getting this for my 3 year old for Christmas, so it would be GREAT to win one!!
If I won, I think Toys for Tots would be a great charity to receive the other! 🙂
Ronald McDonald House is an awesome charity! Kudos to CMP.
I’d like to give one to which is a shelter for women and children in DuPage county (western Chicagoland) who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Would donate to the Spina Bifida Association!
i would donate to Autism Links.
What a great idea and a good charity to donate to as well. Way to go CMP!
The Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota — an amazing facility!
Definitely Ronald McDonald House! We stayed there for 2 months when my son was born prematurely and they are
the most wonderful organization!
I would donate one to the Ronald McDonald House.
I would donate to St Jude Children’s Hospital for a child to have some distraction while so seriously ill.
Very cool product! Would be perfect for my about to turn 4 year old (tomorrow!). I would donate the additional MobiGo to our local charity for children with disabilities. It has a wonderful story for how it began here:
Hoping you get lots of comments! Stephanie
Wonderful idea! I’d donate to Toys for Tots!
The south central human mental health services!
This is awesome!.. I would Love to donate one to the Montifiore Children’s Hospital (Cancer Center – Bronx,NY)..
The children there spend sometimes weeks there for treatment.
I would give one to BAaware, for children with Biliary Atresia. These children undergo transplants, sometimes at just days or weeks old, and medical expenses just eat up any “fun money” they may have.
I’d donate one to Toys for Tots!
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children – they took such good care of my son!
I would like to donate one to the Birthday Box Project. They empower homeless families to create birthday parties for their children.
I’d donate to Ronald McDonald House in Portland, OR! Such an awesome charity.
i hope you get more comments…i’m not sure where i would donate it…RM would be good, so would toys for tots…or our local children’s hospital
I would have one donated to The Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
I’d donate it to the local boys and girls club. Thank you.
I would donate to the Children’s Hospital of Iowa.
awesome! my son was a preemie, cared for by the amazing staff of the Infant Special Care Unit of Evanston Hospital, Evanston, IL. We lived just blocks from the hospital, so it was easy for us to spend lots of time there, but for those families who had much further distances to travel or other children to care for….I really prayed for them. So kudos to places like Ronald McDonald Houses for providing a home base for families of hospitalilzed children! If I’m selected, I’d donate the MobiGo to the ISCU of Evanston Hospital, so older siblings can have a quiet way to learn and play while their teeny preemies are being cared for!
I’d donate it to the Make a Wish Foundation. 🙂
I would donate to Seattle Children’s Hospital!
I’d donate it to American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, WI, where my son received excellent care during the first couple months of his life. He’s now a healthy, happy 3-year-old that would LOVE to have a MobiGo of his own too!
I would donate the Mobigo to my daughter’s non-profit preschool, Sequoia Parents Nursery School.
looks like fun – I ‘m sure my son would love it. I’d donate the other to Toys for Tots.
Great giveaway! I would donate to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
I would donate the MobiGo to the Ronald McDonald House!
I would donate to our hospital’s childrens wing in the cancer treatment center.
Ronald McDonald House. The late father of an old friend created ronal McDonald House and built the first one. Another friend spent weeks there after a transplant for her 4 yr old. Can’t think of a better place.
This is a great giveaway.. Charities are nice way to reach out
This is awesome! My daughter would love this!! I would donate the other to Toys for Tots.
I would donate the MobiGo to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
What a great idea! I would want it to be donated to
Chai Lifeline.
Perfect. This is on my daughter’s Santa list. I’d donate the other to Rady Children’s Hospital.
This would be perfect for a children’s hospital – Seattle Children’s is near us. Great idea, CMP!
I would donate to foster care children. they come with nothing…and those things along the way.
I would donate one for Toys for Tots for the Holidays.
Cool Mom Picks is so cool. I would donate the other to my small hometown hospital in Carthage, TX.
I’d love to win one for my little guy, and I would want the other one donated to St. Jude’s Hospital!!
This would be great for my disabled daughter, a touchscreen is perfect and she’s just learning all her letters and numbers. My charity of choice would be Northern California Special Olympics.
My kiddos have limited hand/arm strength, so I’m always looking for a cool toy that they can work. I’ve never heard of this gizmo! I’m psyched–definitely going on their Amazon wish lists!
Ronald McDonald house is an amazing organization. Good for you for doing this. xo
The organization I work for adopts a family every Christmas and I would love to give it to them as they have 3 children under 7.
I would donate to our local women and children’s home.
There is a local place called the Medina Children’s Home that is just wonderful – I’d love to give them one!
I would donate the MobiGo to an organization called First Step in Detroit. They help families that are victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. I live two and a half hours away, so I can’t volunteer, but I believe wholeheartedly in what this organization does, as I have seen first hand what it can do to a family for generations. (I have not been a victim, but a member of my immediate family has.) The child victims of domestic and sexual violence are even more at risk for falling behind in their education, and I think the MobiGo could be a fun way for them to focus their attention and energy onto something good. The website for First Step is
Either way, love Cool Mom Picks and this is a great thing you are doing!
I would donate one to the Malta house in Norwalk Ct …
What a great gift for a child! I would donate it to a miliarty family in need. The ASYMCA teams up with Woman’s Day magazine to sponsor Operation Holiday Joy.
I would love this for my little one and love to donate to our local hospital, MCG Children’s Medical Center
I’d donate them to Hope for Henry which holds birthday and holiday parties for kids with long-term hospital stays.
I’d donate to 46 Mommas Shave for the Brave. They support St. Baldrick’s, one of the biggest nonprofits raising money to fight childhood cancer. They could use it for one of the kids!
What a great idea! No wonder you’re the Cool Moms!! 🙂
Great giveaway! Hope I win 🙂
This would be perfect for my local Childrens hospital of Milwaukee.
I would give one to my local children’s hospital Hackensack UMC. I am sure the kids would love one.
I would donate one to the toy collection at our church, this is such a wonderful double give.
i will donate to the Toys For Tot! They are helping some of the churches in my area. This will be a great gift to a little one. Great give away! My son will really injoy this one a lot.
I would donate to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta!
I’d love to get one of these for my daughter, and even better would be giving one to Toys for Tots- I’ve supported them since I was 14, and it’s a great organization…
I’d donate to the Twin Cities MCC Relief Sale and Auction for them to sell in the next Sale to help raise money for world relief efforts.
Either Ronald McDonald House or The University of Kentucky Childrens Hospital (if that counts as a charity) that took such good care of my son during a stay when he was diagnosed with diabetes.
Love this and I think the Ronald McDonald House would be very fitting to donate to as well!!
RMH is a lifesaver for so many. Very cool giveaway
On Santa’s list!
I would donate it to my local Boys and Girls Club
I would donate to a children’s hospital!
Dwelling Place! Love them.
What an awesome giveaway! I would give one to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital here in NAshville, TN.
I would donate to our local children’s hospital (hasbro) in RI. They would make excellent use of all the things I’ve donated in the past.
I would donate it to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, and I love the Ronald McDonald houses that is a great choice for you to donate!! Great Job!
I would donate one to Toys for Tots.
I would give one to the children’s oncology unit at our local hospital!
Looks interesting, and with a 4 year old in my house I’m willing to give it a shot.
Autism Speaks
I would donate to Ronald McDonald House. This is a fabulous gift for my 3 year old!
This looks awesome.
I would donate to The Relatives which is a local agency in Charlotte that houses teens who are in need of shelter.
This is what truly makes coolmoms “cool”. I would donate to Childhaven in Seattle.
I would choose Bear Necessities out of Chicago. It is a charity that benefited my beautiful niece, who passed away from neuroblastoma at age eight in 2008.
megancrose at gmail dot com
Toys for Tots!
I’d donate it to our local women’s shelter!
I would donate to a women’s and children’s shelter here in my area. The mobigo is such a neat toy that any child would enjoy! Thanks for the spirit of giving, I hope it catches!
I would donate to Bear Necessities Pediatric in Chicago.
(Sorry if this is a repeat comment – I can’t see my previous attempt).
I’d donate one to the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center, Maui.
I’d like to donate to Angel Tree, an organization that organizes donors to purchase Christmas gifts for the children of prison inmates.
Bear Necessities in Chicago – this charity meant a great deal to my niece, who passed away in 2008 from neuroblastoma.
I would give it to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX.
My four year old would LOVE this and I would donate the extra one to Toys for Tots!!
Terrific contest. We would love to see a gift donated to
Building Futures with Women and Children in San Leandro.
PediPlace is my favorite charity! It provides healthcare to children who would otherwise go without. My own pediatrician (from when I was a kid and my son’s current dr!) donates his time there regularly. Such a wonderful cause!
I would donate to Make a Wish…they are amazing and do so much for children.
I would donate to Seattle Children’s Hospital.
I would donate it to Ronald McDonald House.
I would give one to St Johns Medical Center here in Jackson, Wy. We have a very small local hospital with minimal pediatric unit. I think having something like this for the small peds department could be really nice for the kids. 🙂
I would donate to Hillcrest Services in our community-they provide a variety of social services in our area, including families in need.
I would donate to St. Jude Hospital. What great work they do for children and families!
Akron Children’s Hospital is my charity of choice. They’re nothing short of amazing there.
I would donate one to Child’s Play (in Phoenix the Arizona Children’s Center at MMC, if possible). It is a charity that donates toys, books, games, and cash to children’s hospitals across the country.
What a smart gadget!
100 Neediest Cases in St. Louis!
I have 2 actual local children in mind. Both have Facebook pages if you would liek to read about their conditions and the work their parents are doing. Averies allies is a 4 yr old diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. her mom does a tremendous amount of work to raise awareness for the PFD foundation. also there is a local girl (facebook page “prayers for Zoe) she is a 7 year old currently undergoing chemo. She has an aggressive & malignant brain tumor. If we dont win a toy thats ok, I think it is also about spreading work of these causes and creating additional support for each charity. PKD foundation, St Judes hospital (where Zoe goes) and raising awareness on childhood illnesses.
I’d donate to a toy drive to benefit children hospitalized over the holidays
I would love to win one of these for my daughter & I would donate one to the St.Baldrick’s Day Foundation. They help raise awareness & money for children with cancer.
Thanks for helping out Ronald McDonald House – they are a great charity and help so many kids and parents.
I would donate the MobiGo to Athletes for Charity – the president of this organization does amazing work with kids in foster care.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. and would find a child who is dealing with thyroid cancer. I am currently fighting thyroid cancer with treatment and isolation for two weeks during the holidays. Such a lonely cancer – away from loved ones – and this would be perfect for a child undergoing treatment
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Thanks for the review. I would donate to the Gathering Place. They help single mom and their kids get back on their feet.
I would love to donate to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. THey do so much for children and they are so wonderful. I would love to give to them.
We tried the Mobigo out at Target recently, and my 5 (almost 6) yo was pretty enchanted with it! I also wish there were other games for it, maybe more mainstream ones that could compete w/the DS – I don’t want my kid on the internet etc., and this offers a great alterative! He loved the slide out keyboard, even if he isn’t really reading/writing yet. It doesn’t outcompete the DS, but it does have a lot of great features, and he was happy enough with it that I had to drag him away. So maybe Santa will bring a Mobigo!
I keep ‘bumping into’ positive reviews for this 🙂 I’d love a second Mobigo to go to Toys for Tots – to fulfill a wish on a Christmas wish list 🙂
I am certainly too late for the contest. However, I would donate both of the them to Military Children’s Charity, Inc. I am the Volunteer Chief Executive Officer of this charity founded by my 14 year old son, who has been a Marine Corps dependent his entire life. We collect gifts year round to say “thank you” to our American Servicemember’s children who sacrifice so much on our behalf, with frequent relocations, prolonged separations from one (or both) of their parent(s) and experience constant anxiety while their parent is deployed in a combat situation. These children deserve to be acknowledged & recognized. Especially the children who have lost a parent forever. Right now we are collecting holiday toys. Please visit our website, open your hearts and give. Thank you.