Remember those first few hours and days after bringing your firstborn home? Elation and terror are two of the many emotions that come to mind. It was a magical time, but one that prompted a lot of questions. A lot.
Rather than rely on books like I did in my heyday, new parents can now turn to their mobile devices for new parent advice.
An app called Baby’s Home…What Now? addresses many of the plaguing questions that crop up during the newborn phase with eight video chapters (67 minutes total) on everything from surviving the first days, nursing, coping with sleepless nights (don’t miss those!), post-baby hormones (don’t miss those either!) and more. It’s a complementary app to the eponymous Baby’s Home… DVD and features the same content, only now in mobile form.
The videos load quickly and are high quality, and although this app is probably only helpful for parents who are having their first child, it’s nice to have expert advice on the go. Plus, it’s perfect for those middle-of-the-night feedings–no additional reading light required. -Jeana
Baby’s Home…What Now? is available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad for $2.99 on iTunes.
Thanks for this cool list of apps! I also drew all the original art for another app: Baby Smart Cards. It’s 70 art cards presented in a low-stim black and white format and designed to introduce infants to animals, famous figures (Einstein!) (Miles Davis!), and objects from their daily lives. All art presented as visuals that infants can see and process. Link to Baby Smart Cards in the iTunes store here: