Our new feature, Oh Appy Day!, gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week we are thrilled to feature the amazing Katie Couric, one of our all-time idols.

I’m a logophile, as my Twitter followers can attest, and I’ve always enjoyed playing Scrabble.  The best part about the app is that you can play with others or play against the computer.  If I sit beside you on an airplane, don’t be surprised if I whip out my iPad and challenge you to a match.  Warning: I’m hardcore with the triple word square. Landing an “X” word on one of those babies makes my day. – Katie

Oh Appy Day!

You can purchase Scrabble for iPhone and iPad at iTunes.com.

Katie Couric anchors the CBS Evening News, hosts the webshow @katiecouric, and is the mother of two teenagers. She’s also the author of The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons From Extraordinary Lives, launching next week. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter @katiecouric.