The smart folks at Percolate know hard it is to keep up with everything social media, as you Twitteraholics are well aware. There are news aggregators and news aggregator aggregators, and all manners of ways to help you sort your feeds and subscriptions. But now this brand new service does a excellent job of it, because it sends the best stuff right to your email inbox.
I’ve been secret private beta testing Percolate for the last few months, and now that it’s live and all alpha-like, I can finally tell you all how much I like it.
In other words, I haven’t unsubscribed yet, and that’s saying something if you know my inbox.
Each day I get a “daily brew” email — or a list of the most interesting things that people in my Twitter stream are talking about. I don’t know quite how the algorithm works, but the smart, passionate team behind the service clearly knows what they’re doing because I’m always interested in the links that come up.

If you want an “double secret alpha invite,” you can do it at the site now. It just may help you find a few cool new stories you might have missed between those very important tweets from Ashton Kutcher and Kim Kardashian. –Liz