These days, any videos I catch of the kids is with my iPhone 4, which thankfully means I’m catching way more than I ever did before. But if you’ve filmed kids before, then you know that even the quick tab slide and tap that’s required to record with the iPhone can make you miss a moment.
That’s why I’m now using this handy app that let’s you catch videos in one easy tap.
Swift might be the most simple video application out there, but wow, does it work. Once you download it to your smart phone or iPad 2, you simply open the app and it starts recording instantly — no button to click or slide, and better, absolutely no delay. To stop, you just press the home button or timer and the video is automatically saved to your photo gallery.
I love all the great moments I’ve caught using Swift, and how I don’t have a bunch of two second videos clogging my photo gallery — the result of forgetting to switch the iPhone camera back from video to still. -Kristen
Purchase Swift for $.99 at