Twitter StoriesYou just got back from the drugstore? You’re feeling tired and need some coffee? You just ate a sandwich? These aren’t what I’d call value-added tweets. 
If you’re on Twitter, you know what I’m talking about.

If you’re looking for some amazing stories that have resulted from tweets, definitely check out Twitter Stories. This brand new, exquisitely designed site culls some of the best, funniest, most touching, most outrageous stories that started with a simple 140 characters.

There’s the story about the guy in Portland, OR who saved his
mom’s floundering bookstore with a tweet (and offer to buy anyone a
burrito for spending $50 there); or the guy who tweeted that he needed a
kidney for his transplant–and got one.

Knowing how strong the parenting community is on Twitter, and the
amazing ways we’ve helped Twitter Storiesone another through social media, maybe you
even have your own Twitter Story to share. 

There are
millions of tweets that come and go on a daily basis, but a few that
result in amazing tales of generosity, spirit and people being truly
good. All that from a single tweet. -Jeana

Read some funny, heartwarming and amazing stories on Twitter