Lego keyboard stickersKeyboards can be so boring: The same letters, numbers, symbols. Can’t we spice it up? 

Why, yes. Yes we can.

We’ve found several cool sets of vinyl sticker decals for your Mac keyboard should you be interested in getting quirky with the keys. The adorable Lego keyboard set (above) is available from NoisyBoyStore on Etsy. The vinyl decals supposedly have an outdoor life of 3-5 years; no promises as to how long that’ll last on your laptop, considering sticky kid fingers and how often one must update Pinterest boards these days.

Mac Keyboard skin
We were also entranced by this outrageous Mac keyboard skin from Killer Duck on Etsy. The letters are funky but still recognizable– and did you see that the tab key is the old school Tab soft drink logo? I wish I could just order that one.
Now as rad as we think this idea is, let’s be honest, sticking all those little stickers one at a time takes a lot of time–and we know how much of that parents tend to have. We should also point out that both Etsy stores have less than 100% positive feedback, so we can’t wholeheartedly endorse them. Still, it’s could be the next wave in personalizing your gadgets, and a great bit of fun eye candy. Or iCandy? ~Delilah

Find the Lego keyboard skin at Noisey Boy Store, and the regular Macbook keyboard skin, at Killer Duck, both on Etsy.