If you’re on the klutzy side like I am, you’ve no doubt tripped over a wire or two in your life. Bluetooth was made for people like us–and the pleasantly streamlined, portable aesthetics of a wireless system are a very nice bonus (especially when you’re admiring it from a standing position, and not from the floor, clutching your sprained ankle).
So here’s a collection of some of our favorite wireless Bluetooth speaker systems, guaranteed to make you happy…and keep you happily upright.

The truly ingenious Bluetooth-enabled audio system from Soundfreaq (above) works
with any Bluetooth device to stream audio. iPad, iPhone, and
iPod users can download the free Soundfreaq app and let that
function as your playlist and remote control. We love that this system can connect with
your PC or your home theater setup–and that it doubles as a gadget docking
station and charger.

Connect your Jawbone Jambox
via Bluetooth, then listen to some serious
audio quality on a speaker that fits in the palm of your hand. Or try the larger Big Jambox, which still weighs in at under three pounds. Built on a
different platform from the original Jambox, this big boy has the
capacity to fill an entire backyard with awesome sound for your next par-tay.

Okay, so the Logitech S-00116 2.0 Speaker System
doesn’t have a sexy name. But it does have great sound. And it’s substantial, in a good way. Despite its easy portability, your kids won’t be as likely to mess with it like it’s a toy. (Cue painful images of an iPod scrawled with permanent marker, floating dead in the toilet.)

Jonesing for a no-nonsense, inexpensive speaker to get the job done? Something with good sound quality that’s super light, runs on batteries or
electricity, works with all your Bluetooth enabled devices and costs a
fairly painless $70? Try this Creative D100 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker. This looker comes in four fab colors, a nice option for those hankering to switch up that all-black, all-the-time décor. –Shari
For more cool speakers and audiophile goodies, check our our archives and follow our Audiophile Awesomeness Pinterest Board. Cool Mom Tech is an Amazon affiliate.