While there are a lot of very cute Halloween-themed iPhone cases out there these days, I don’t tend to be a fan of a smartphone cover I can use for one day a year. With the strong exception of this glow-in-the-dark skin.
The iGlowPhone glow in the dark phone skin
from Slick Skins seems to be made for a night of trick-or-treating. (Or
raves. But uh, another post another time.) The photoluminescent vinyl
comes in one of four colors, including orange, and is reported to stay
lit for about 6 hours. Meaning it’s great when you’re sending your tween
or tween out and about by himself; or great just for me, tagging along
with my younger kids, and trying to find the phone quickly for those
great photo opps.
If any of you are out trick-or-treating for more than 6 hours then more power to you. –Liz
Find the iGlowPhone glow-in-the-dark phone skin for iPhone 4 and 4S online at Slic Skins