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If you think of all the Facebook photos you’ve uploaded in the past couple years, it probably amounts to tens, if not hundreds (maybe thousands for avid Facebookers!) of great pictures that have documented your life; not to mention the comments you’ve received from loved ones. Now Moxybook offers a very clever new way to bring all those comments and and important life events into an actual scrapbook.
many, but scrapbooking images and comments from social media sites is
certainly a new thing. Moxybook essentially turns all those Twitter and
Facebook comments that accompany photos you’ve posted into a
digital memory book. Everything from newborn baby photos, to vacations,
to snaps of that new puppy.
free account and then decide which social networking site you want it to
pull data from.
You can use search terms to find specific photos you have in mind or
simply designate a specific period of time that you want it to pull
from. Note: You’re better off relying on the latter method for getting
photos since the search function didn’t work very well for me in terms
of finding all the images under that category.

your photos are available, you can drag and drop those and the comments
that are attached to them into a template that you can design–that’s really something special.
are lots of templates, colors and backgrounds, but one big complaint: We’re not at all crazy about the look of most of them. The typeface is extremely basic, the headers aren’t well kerned, and and the color schemes are a little dated. The sample pages definitely have a junior high school collage project vibe to them. So if you’re looking for something uber-modern and sophisticated we’re hoping it will come along with future updates.
In the meanwhile, what we’d recommend is going light on the typography and designs, and sticking with basic photos and comments, as shown above, which really do look fun.
The account comes with three free
pages and then $0.99 for additional pages. When you’ve
finished your social media scrapbook, you can print from your home printer, or share via Facebook,
Twitter, and email. Very meta right? taking comments from Facebook photos, putting them into scrapbook pages, then resharing them back on Facebook. Ah, technology. -Jeana
Through 11/9, you can win $100 if you create a Halloween themed Moxybook! See their Facebook page for all the details.
This is brilliant. Thank you so much. I’ve never had time to scrapbook, but I keep my online world pretty up to date. This will make it fun to have a couple of actual books of photos to look at with kids and grandkids!