Ah, the 1980s. Video games like Donkey Kong were new and exciting… and dominated by dudes. The only women around were damsels in distress, waiting to be saved. That is, until one little girl’s dad got involved.

Gender-bent Donkey Kong on Cool Mom Tech

Three-year-old Ellis had played as Princess Peach in Super Mario Bros. 2 and knew that girls could toss turnips at turtles as well as any man. So when she learned that she couldn’t play the girl in Donkey Kong and save Mario, she was naturally bummed out. And that’s why her dad gets the Gender Equality Hack of the Year Award.

Because he didn’t just leave it there. No, he hacked the code to make an avatar of Princess Pauline who can defeat the evil ape and save Mario, all while wearing a pretty pink dress. Check out the P at the top, the matching purse and umbrella. Pauline kicks butt in style.

There’s even a link to apply the Pauline patch yourself. Sorry, Mario, but this princess is saving you.-Delilah

Watch Pauline beat Donkey Kong and get the patch on YouTube.