Ready for one crazy addictive app for you iPhoneographers and world travelers?

Halftone app on Cool Mom Tech


Halftone lets you iOS users turn your pictures into pages straight out of a comic book. The colors are bright and vibrant, the fonts are straight out of an old Batman episode, and the options are so varied and fun. I can’t think of a cooler use of family vacation pictures than turning it into the raddest photo journal in town.

The process is super easy: You download your pic or pull it from your Facebook photos, and then get to work choosing the layout, but keep in mind that this isn’t a place to load tons of text. The space is meant for captions and dates, not diaries. Then you can add cool comic details like lightning strikes and hearts smack in the middle of the picture.

You can also play around with the pixilation and halftone (hence the name!) which gives your picture a more comic book feel. If there are too many dots for your liking, you can easily change the modes. But hey, dots are fun.

Halftone is like Phoster for comic book lovers everywhere. It’s a nice, fun way to make a picture pop right off the page. Eva

Halftone is available for your iPhone and iPad at the app store