Boston Marathon FundraiserAfter the Boston Marathon bombing yesterday, I felt completely helpless and wanting to do something for the many families who were affected by the tragedy. I’m glad to see there’s now a way to offer support, thanks to an amazing tech community.

The Tech Underwriting Greater Good initiative (TUGG) has created the Boston Marathon Fundraiser, a verified fundraising campaign on where 100% of the funds will be donated to programs working with the victims of the attack, including Children’s Hospital and the Red Cross. 

And wow, in just the last hour it’s clear they’re going to reach their $50,000 goal quickly.

Additionally, both TUGG and are donating all their processing fees, so you can rest assured that every single penny you give will go to help the victims.

What an awesome gesture from the tech community. –Kristen

You can donate to the Boston Marathon Fundraiser on And if you need resources for talking to your kids about tragedy (or whether not to), we’ve rounded them up on Cool Mom Picks today.

{via @EdwardBoches; photo via (RED)]
