Unless you have a gihugic computer monitor (very likely these days), a desk lamp is probably the focal point of your desk.
I love these wooden desk lamps handmade by Ellen’s Alley on Etsy. The feminine colors made with eco-friendly paints are a nice break from all the industrial metal out there, and I love that the rough texture of the wood shines through to give it a vaguely earthy quality, even against the strong geometric shapes.
The one kinda big issue for those of us stateside: They’re made in Athens so you’ll need a handyman (or handy person, ahem) to rewire for US currency. Still, it’s just the kind of treasure I’d scout out in an overseas trip and pack in my bag coming home. Love how Etsy lets us do that without the airfare. -Liz
Find the handmade wooden desk lamps on Etsy at Ellen’s Alley