Happy Cinco de Mayo cool moms! Along with enjoying some yummy guacamole, a frosty beverage, and maybe even decorating the place with some festive decor, Cinco de Mayo needs some fun tunes too, right?
Lucky for us, kids’ music favorite Lucky Diaz has just issued a Spanish-language CD of kids’ songs, and my pick for this week is joyful, bouncy, and perfect for those of us whose Spanish is a bit rusty.
¿Que Dices? takes Lucky Diaz’s much-loved song Say What? and translates the few real words into Spanish. I love this fun-loving, scat-filled song in either language, though hearing this father-daughter duo banter as she exclaims iCarumba! and iAndale! is muy adorable. –Christina
Check out ¿Que Dices? from Lucky Diaz’s new CD iFantastico! on his website, or purchase a download from our affiliate, Amazon. Plus, check them out live at the Rumpus Room at noon EST on SiriusXM Kids Place Live (ch 78!).