DIY photography just got more extreme and fun because now you can actually build your own camera.

The hip kids at Lomography have piqued our geek with the Konstruktor DIY kit, which includes everything you need to build and decorate your own functional Lomography camera in just a couple of hours.

The Konstruktor arrives in prettily packaged pieces, along with thorough instructions on how to put together and use a plastic 35mm film SLR camera with an interchangeable lens system. With a top-down viewfinder, tripod threading, and more lenses and accessories on the way, it’s a pretty cool set-up for only $35. That’s $1 per mm!

DIY Lomo at Cool Mom Tech!

DIY Lomo at Cool Mom Tech!

DIY Lomo at Cool Mom Tech!

The Konstrucktor is recommended for ages 12 and up, and we’re thinking it’s the coolest one-of-a-kind gift ever for hipster camera enthusiasts. Roll up to a photo geek’s baby shower with this puppy, and you’re guaranteed big hugs and a font of totally not-boring baby photos.-Delilah

Find the Konstruktor DIY Lomography camera kit at or buy one from this list of Lomography Gallery Stores.