File this one under tech being used for good and not evil: watches designed to change the world. And look pretty sweet doing it.

1:Face watch for Charity: Water | Cool Mom Tech

In the spirit of Toms Shoes, Sevenly, Wink Bags, and other businesses created in order to donate products or significant money for products sold, 1:Face Watch is an awesome company on a mission to make the world a better place.

Each of their bold, modern watches are priced at just $40, and look like a mirror until you press a button and the LED display pops up with the time. But what’s really special is that each carries its own metric to do tangible good for one of seven causes.

So one white watch feeds 16 African children through One Days Wages; one black watch supports 8 cancer patients through American Cancer Society; or buy a “Water Watch” and the purchase of 624 more will build an entire well in Rwanda via Charity Water.

You don’t have to buy all 625 yourself, of course. But you could help by spreading the word. This is one watch where it’s actually more cool to see lots of people wearing the same one that you own. –Liz

Check out 1:Face Watch on their website, and order 2 watches (US only) for free shipping. You can also purchase a small selection for a limited time through, should you be a member with some credits to use.

On Instagram, follow #1facewatch to see change at work.