Don’t know about you, but we tend to be sticklers for capturing those first day back to school photos of our kids in their thoughtfully planned new outfits and shiny new backpacks. Of course they’re often hastily captured as we race out the door, late for school (just us?) so we’re so impressed with these back to school photo ideas. Here, 5 easy, mostly digital ideas that we tracked down for capturing first day of school photos that you can cherish forever. While sniffling. –Delilah
1. Sidewalk Chalk Photo
Got an asphalt road or driveway and some sidewalk chalk? Of course you do. Dress the kids up and let them strike a pose on the street proudly sitting next to their grade. If you’re in the South like me and can’t escape the rain, you could also pull this off with magnetic letters against a refrigerator. (via Three Scoops of Love)
2.Things I Love Photo
Is your kid off-center in that photo? Perfect! Using free photo editing software like PicMonkey, you can add a list of text after the fact, that will forever remind you how much your kid loved the Muppets, hopscotch, or that one special “BFF” who may be replaced come October. Whether you use the side of your house, a brick wall, or just the front door at home, we love how an everyday background becomes the palette for what makes your baby special. (via Sunshine Praises)
3. Chalkboard Speech Bubble Photo
How cute is this idea? You can make the board yourself, reuse it every year, let the kids go wild with it for birthday party photo booths, and use it for all every kid. Not to mention a selfie of you holding it up with the word VERKLEMPT. (Via Make and Takes)
4. Grade Number Printables
If you don’t trust your handwriting skills, we’ve found a few printables you can download, which can take you from preschool all the way up to high school (though your kids may or may not love it by that point.) If you’re the type to really plan ahead, you’ll know what you’ll give your kid when they graduate high school: the most sentimental photo album ever. (Printables shown via How Does She, Skip to My Lou)
5. Apple Photo Prop
Grab an apple and get snapping with this adorable and easy idea. Whether you use foam letters, white Sharpie letters, or just plain paper, every kid looks cute holding an apple. Like this won’t look awesome on your Facebook page? (via Club Keepsake)