Like so many of you, I’m committed to supporting my kids’ school. Whether it’s volunteering my time in the classroom, designing yearbook pages, or just sending permission slips back on time, I’m happy to do what I can. And for the next few weeks, I can do even more without ever leaving my laptop thanks to Target.
Last year, Target launched their Give With Target campaign to donate to schools across the country. This year, they’ve doubled the donation amount to $5 million–which we all know schools can really use these days–and it’s super easy to help your kids’ own school benefit.
Just check out the Give With Target website (or the app on Facebook), search for the school you’d like to support, and click to vote once per week. You’ll want to enlist fellow school parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles too, because for every 25 votes, your school gets $25 from Target, up to a max of $10,000.
This has got to be some of the easiest fundraising I’ve ever seen. Thanks, Target. –Julie
Vote for your school on Give With Target to earn a $25 donation for every 25 votes. Campaign runs through 9/21/2013 or until $5 million has been donated. See Give With Target for all the nitty gritty details.