If you’re big Twitter users like we are, then you know that currently, you can’t send DMs to people who aren’t following you–a feature we actually really like. Beause it means you can’t get DMs from random people either. Well that’s all about to change–though don’t freak out just yet.
While there has been a lot of buzz among Twitter users this week about a new feature will allow users send direct messages to other users who are not following them, the truth is, the ability to receive direct messages from users you aren’t following is completely opt-in. In other words, you can choose to accept them or not. Phew!
Interestingly, this option will not be available to all users, although Twitter has yet to comment on exactly who will get it, other than a select group of verified users who it turns out have had the option to receive DMs this way since 2011. We checked our own accounts for Cool Mom Picks and Cool Mom Tech and didn’t see it.
If you’re wondering whether you’ve got this option, just head over to your settings and click the account section. You’ll see it there if you have it and if not, rest easy; legions of spammy DMs are not headed to your inbox any time soon. –Kristen
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