For me, the greatest Valentine’s gifts are the ones that show how much you really get the person you love. And if you love a geek, we’ve got four awesomely nerdy mugs that could send exactly the right message on Valentine’s Day. Package it with your favorite java to make the gift extra special.
Then, do a little scientific research about the optimum brewing temperature and the correlation between percentage of total dissolved solids and percentage extraction, using the golden ratio of 17.42 units of water to 1 unit of coffee. Perfection.
Using the chemical symbols for elements Iodine, Livermorium (yes, that’s a real element), and Uranium, this handmade periodic table mug shown above from Etsy shop Humerus Wares (heh) will remind your favorite science nerd how much they’re cherished. Who knew uranium could be so romantic? Well, provided it’s contained.
WiFi is the wind beneath all of our wings these days, so of course we’re digging this Love You More Than WiFi mug at Urban Outfitters. As in, I love you so much, even if the WiFi went out, we’d find something to do together. The price is right on this mug too: it will run you less than a day’s worth of hotel wireless, without the risk of anyone hacking it.
Developers (or computer programmers, if you’re old school) are affectionately known for eating, sleeping, and drinking code, especially at odd hours. This mug from Abby & Grace on Etsy totally nails it. We suggest you present this gift and then disappear to let your favorite code nerd do exactly as it says for a good 24 hours at least. Best present ever.
But all work and no play makes nerds almost as grumpy as running out of coffee. Grab this complementary set of gaming mugs from Think Geek and power up together. Think Geek has decreed that whoever makes the coffee gets dibs on the Player 1 mug. But what if you’ve got a Keurig? We know the world of gaming is filled with such technicalities, and we’re certain love will overcome this one too.
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