Recess Monkey’s first song off their soon-to-be-released album Hot Air isn’t quite as wacky as that song about what the fox says (hallelujah), but if you ever wondered what the penguin does say, you’ll want to download Penguinese.
You might expect a song from this trio of musicians with day jobs as teachers to be full of facts and figures about those little black-and-white critters, but nope. This song is all in good musical fun, which is why the band is so popular in the first place. With its lively, danceable pop beat, catchy lyrics, and crazy penguin speak, your kids will be happily practicing their Penguinese all summer song.
You’ll find Recess Monkey’s Penguinese, the first single from the upcoming album Hot Air, on iTunes. Check out the completely adorable and silly music video for Penguinese. And don’t miss our many other recommendations for Recess Monkey albums on Cool Mom Picks. They’ve been a favorite of ours for years.