We know that as much as you rely on Cool Mom Tech (and Cool Mom Picks) for product recommendations (right?), we pretty much all still check Amazon reviews before we make a purchase. But as you can probably guess, for many products, the reviews aren’t super reliable. That’s why we we’re loving ReviewMeta.
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This cool site actually checks the reliability of an Amazon.com using their special algorithm. You simply input the url, then they check various data points to provide the reviews with a report card.
I decided to give it a try with a few items, in particular this Baby Einstein toy because it had so many reviews. Over 900, to be exact. And, well, according to ReviewMeta, the reviews are pretty on point based on their pretty intensive analysis. And you’re only seeing a small part of the report they give you.
If anything, it’s a huge timesaver if you’re like me and tend to do a quick flip through the reviews before making a purchase, or a longer read if it’s something more expensive. And it could really help you decide between similar products with similar reviews. Hooray for making shopping online a little easier.
Head over to ReviewMeta to get more information about their analysis and check out their free Chrome extension which makes using their service while shopping a whole lot easier. It also works for BodyBuilding.com, in case you were wondering.
Thanks, John!