I’ve tried many different approaches to organizing my iPhone apps, but the same thing always happens: I can’t find the ones I need when I need them. Logic says you leave your most-used apps on the main page, then put the others in files, but it turns out, logic might not necessarily be the best way to go. At least according to Alexandre Levacher. And after trying this method, I think he might be right.
Related: How to Konmari your iPhone apps
The method he created is based on four components, which he listed in his article:
– Find quickly my apps when I need them.
– Implement a method that works even with my hundred apps.
– Maintain a logic with my organization.
– No need to change everything each time I add/delete an app.
Okay, okay, so he does use a little bit of logic, but it’s not exactly what you think. Head over to his post to give his app organization method a try. And the best part: you don’t have to delete any apps (unless you really want to).
Photo via Alexadre Levacher on Medium