Today, on The E-Reader Bachelorette, there’s a new suitor on the market. He’s short, he’s smart, and he lasts a long time, if you know what we mean.
Here’s why you might want to give your rose to the brand new Nook.
So the new Nook walks into the room, and you can’t help staring. He’s surprisingly small and light for an e-reader, clocking in at only 8 ounces with a 6 inch touchscreen. That means he’s lighter, smaller, and much thinner than most paperbacks–of which he can store 1000, I might add. Pretty fierce, for a lightweight.
But the most important feature isn’t as obvious. It’s his battery life. That’s right, girls, the new Nook has the longest lasting charge of any e-reader, able to last 3 weeks using Wi-Fi or two months without. Right now, I’m rolling my eyes at my last-generation Nook and his maybe four-day charge, in comparison.
The other major change is that, like the Nook Color, the new Nook is all touch-screen, which makes it much more user-friendly than the original version. The typepad is larger and more responsive, which is great, since my big fingers often try to buy HWEJFLSK on my old Nook. You can still upload your own PDFs and other documents, which I use constantly. And the highlighting and note-taking features are far superior.
Still, the great features of the original Nook are still around, from bookmarks and Find to organizing with My Shelves to swapping books with Lend Me technology; although I’m noticing that not as many books are lendable these days.
If you’re looking for a new e-reader or are just breaking in to the wonderful world of paperless books, the new Nook is a great option. Maybe one day they’ll be able to make an e-reader that smells like an old book. Then my world will be complete. –Delilah
Find the all-new Nook at the B&N website or check one out at your local B&N store. The last generation Nook is currently on sale in stores for $119, and that’s a steal, too.