Since purchasing my MacBook Pro late last year, I became addicted to the convenience and functionality of Google Docs. Turns out, I’m not the only one.

When we asked our readers and Twitter followers how you are using Google Docs, the answers were so varied, it made me realize that there’s so much more I could be doing with it. -Kristen

– We use it to plan menus across multiple parts of the family for camping trips and vacations. It allows everyone to put in when they will be in town (so we have head count) make a plan for what we are eating and make grocery lists all in one place. Jennifer

– I co-chair my kid’s school’s violin class and we use it to manage program sign-ups and what the parents volunteer for. Kate

– My husband and I use it to share budget information, visitation schedule for the step-children, and other things. He works crazy long hours and I am a homeschooling SAHM so it’s a handy way to talk about things as we have time. –Jessica

– We used it when we were trying to agree on baby names. Great way for my husband and I to add and cross things off the list. Amanda

– I have a folder called IMPORTANT! where I keep my resume, headshots, bios, a list of my hotel loyalty program IDs and other things that I’m continually forgetting where I put. –Elizabeth

Tell us — how are you using Google Docs?