Earbuds bracelet at AnthropologieIt used to be that the words “geeky jewelry” conjured up some sort of computer motherboard earrings in my head and if you wanted to find the truly cool stuff, you really had to search around. So it’s nice to see tech-inspired pieces hitting the mainstream, like this cool bracelet at Anthropologie.

You don’t have to be a music lover to fawn over the Earbuds Bracelet,
which is a pretty stylish replica of the real thing, and an awesome
piece that I’m pretty sure will make people do a double take — in a
good way, of course. And if you’re anything like me, it’ll be nice to
have at least one set up earbuds that you don’t have to spend 20 minutes
untangling. -Kristen

You can purchase the Earbuds Bracelet at Anthropolgie.

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