Kids' music download of the week: This Land is Your LandWith the Inauguration, the National Day of Service, and Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I’m feeling like I want ramp up the feelings of patriotism and goodwill towards all in my home this weekend. 

So in that spirit, we’re playing this Woody Guthrie classic, sung by the beautifully voiced Elizabeth Mitchell. It makes us feel so warm and fuzzy for this country of ours.

The Land is Your Land is bound to be familiar with anyone who has sung in an elementary school chorus at some point. Elizabeth Mitchell’s version, from her Woody Guthrie tribute CD, Little Seed, is quiet and pretty and really makes us focus on the touching lyrics.

And even if you can’t remember every verse, this is bound to be one song both you and the kids can share together as we all reflect on all the important happenings of this extended weekend. Christina

Download Elizabeth Mitchell’s This Land Is Your Land from our affiliate Amazon.