It is a known fact that getting kids started early in foreign language study enhances their chances of having success in mastering a second, or even third or fourth language. Having struggled in my own youth with this subject, I have been thrilled to discover the wealth of tech resources and support to get kids of all ages learning to parlez something else besides English.
I’m really impressed Gus on the Go, a stellar approach to getting your little ones started on languages before they even hit grade school, all right from your smartphone or tablet.
Gus creators promise fun, which for me was a big selling point. (Who wants conjugation drills anyway?) Gus the Owl, the host of the game, leads your kids in an interactive learning adventure around the globe, teaching basic nouns through a variety of vocubulary games. Each game cleverly ends with a lesson review that unlocks the next step.
One element we loved were the virtual trophies that are awarded as you progress; a very smart way to engage young kids even further.
Gus On The Go is available in 13 languages from Spanish and French to Mandarin, Hebrew, Croatian, and Taiwanese. Go ahead and take your pick–the future global citizens of our planet are depending on us. –Stephanie M
Gus on the Go retails for $4.99 in the iTunes store and and an Android version is on the way. Check out the wide selection of languages at and see a helpful demo of the app at the developer’s website.