If you’re a music streamer like me, this new gadget is going to take your music listening to a whole new level. Just wait until you see what it can do.

auris skye streaming music device | cool mom tech


The is a brilliant little gadget that adds WiFi to any old (or new) music dock. Just pop it into any 30-pin dock and you can stream all your music from anywhere — your phone, your tablet, even your computer.

And hey, if you don’t happen to have a 30-pin dock, you can purchase a special cable that will hook right into your speaker system so you do.

music with auris skye | cool mom tech

auris skye wifi converter on cool mom tech

The beauty of auris skye, other than that it’s compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows (whoo!), is that it’s using WiFi and not Bluetooth, so you don’t have to worry about pairing issues, which are more common than I’d like. Plus, it looks like you’re getting amazing sound, which Bluetooth technology tends to supress.

This is an audiophile’s dream gadget. Sign me up. Kristen

You can learn more about auris skye on their now fully funded Kickstarter page or preorder at the auris skye website.