We’re longtime fans of both Cookie Monster and Lord of the Rings, so of course we all stood and applauded for the new Sesame Street parody, “Lord of the Crumbs.”

Cookie Monster, playing the role of Gobble (sound like anyone you know?)  has to exert some major self-control as he struggles to remember the recipe for his “precious”–cookies, of course. He needs to avoid eating the ingredients before he falls to his death in a pool of lava from Mount Doom. I mean um…before, he manages to assemble the ingredients into one dessert to rule them all.

Not only is it hilarious for adults, presuming most preschoolers haven’t yet been exposed to Tolkien, it’s also a good lesson for the kids in delayed gratification. Which is something my family could use while I’m baking.  -Julie

Laugh at all of the awesome Sesame Street videos on their YouTube channel