If there is a sound that can make my kids run in 90 degree weather, it’s the sound of the ice cream truck’s music coming down the street. Your kids the same way? Then grab a download from Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could: Ice Cream Girl. Because it’s much more fun to hear over and over than the tune coming out of that truck.

From their excellent brand-new release Just Say Hi, Ice Cream Girl is an ode to that magical person who hands Sno-Cones and Bomb Pops to my kids from the window of the ice cream truck. I happen to love the pretty mandolin and group-sung chorus that you’ll all be singing long after the truck disappears into the next neighborhood.

Download a copy of Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could’s song, Ice Cream Girl, from Bandcamp for only $1…which is even less than a Choco-Taco these days. And Happy Birthday, today, to Brady himself!