With National Coffee Day just behind us, there’s been a whole lot of buzz about buzz lately. And if there’s one thing I learned about people who drink coffee, it’s this: don’t mess with their java. They like it how they like it, and they like it right this minute. Well, thanks to technology and the new CUPS mobile app, caffeinated types can connect with tons of indie coffee houses in NYC. So your double pump, no whip, extra this, two sprinkles of that, drink-it-now temp sip of glory is basically at your fingertips, provided you’ve got your iPhone or Android phone there too. And who doesn’t, these days?


Coffee from the CUPS app Instagram feed

(photo via @CUPSapp Instagram)

The free app is super easy to use. Download, buy a prepaid plan (that includes discounts on drinks!), then choose your independent neighborhood coffee shop from a long list of NYC’s finest. You load in all your drink preferences — almond milk, no foam, whatever. When you hit up the coffee spot, hand over your phone to the cashier who punches in your special code, and it’s done. Your hot cup of sunshine will be in hand in a matter of minutes, paid for and ready — and you don’t even have to say a word.

Very good idea for some of you who haven’t yet had that first cup.

CUPS app app is a free download on iTunes and Google Play and currently just available for NYC.