by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
For busy parents, our smartphones have become our lifelines, whether it’s the calendar that helps keep families on track to the emails, social media, and various apps that keep us connected personally and professionally. That’s why it’s so important...
by Liz Gumbinner | Educational Apps, Best Apps, Entertainment, Kids
As if I haven’t raved about the Rebel Girls books and the Rebel Girls app enough, I am now touting of the Rebel Girls Podcast. Since 2018, they have been producing three wonderful biographical audio stories a week, each just 14-20 minutes or so–perfect for...
by Christina Refford | Back to School Tech, Best Apps, Educational Apps
Sometimes we think of reading apps as being for little kids, but reading apps for kids in high school and middle school can be extremely helpful. Whether your kids are voracious readers or a bit more reluctant to get lost in a book when there are new video game levels...
by Caroline Siegrist | Best Apps, Fitness + Health
These days, anxiety feels like a constant a companion at my house and I’ve made good use of these meditation apps ever since Covid began. I’m happy to say that when I actually get a chance to use them, they really make a difference. After all, we’re...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Photography
This is a sponsored message from Mylio Photos One thing we can safely say about parents: We take a ton of photos. The other thing we can safely say: We hardly have time to organize them, let alone curate them, delete the extras, and share them. That’s where...
by Liz Gumbinner | Causes and Giving Back, Best Apps
Well what a nice alert to appear in my inbox: This Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day, and to assist voters, Lyft is offering 50% off rides when you preload the code VOTE22 and book a ride through the Lyft app. Alternately, just open the Lyft app, select the...
by Caroline Siegrist | Best Apps, Fitness + Health, Kids
If you need help for kids with anxiety, I am so grateful for these terrific mindfulness podcasts for kids. We all know that unfortunately, anxiety is on the rise for lots of children, including my own. Maybe you’re trying to help a child with chronic anxiety, or...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks, Best Apps
This is a sponsored message from SaneBox Whether that little red email badge is showing you 20 unread messages or 20,000, it can be overwhelming to feel like you’ll never get to the bottom of it. Enter SaneBox. Trusted by TechCrunch, The New York Times, Forbes...
by Cool Mom Team | Babies, Gear + Hardware, Kids
This is a sponsored message from the pixsee Baby Monitor If you have been looking for the high-tech baby monitor that “does it all” — and more — you’ll be amazed by the pixsee baby monitor. It’s not just an incredible (and adorable)...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks, Best Apps
Recently, as you may have heard (ahem) a bunch of influential musical artists have been leaving Spotify, podcasters are rethinking the platform, and plenty of listeners are canceling their Spotify Premium subscriptions. (Which is evidently not all that easy to do, but...